Background Move

Unique Info this time about one of the tricks to make a dynamic background image blog. This trick uses a simple JQuery devoted to create a moving background image (Scrolling Background). This script makes a blog background image moves vertically from the bottom to the top. For bloggers who want to try it please be listened tricks to make scrolling background below.

  • Login » blogger.
  • Draft »Edit HTML.
  • If you have not used the code JQuery JQuery you please put the following code just above the code </ head> .

    <script src='' type='text/javascript'></script>

  • Copy-Paste the following code just above the code </ head> .

    <script type='text/javascript'>
    // ***
    // Scrolling background
    // ***
    // height of background image in pixels
    var backgroundheight = 4000;

    // get the current minute/hour of the day
    var now = new Date();
    var hour = now.getHours();
    var minute = now.getMinutes();

    // work out how far through the day we are as a percentage - e.g. 6pm = 75%
    var hourpercent = hour / 24 * 100;
    var minutepercent = minute / 30 / 24 * 100;
    var percentofday = Math.round(hourpercent + minutepercent);

    // calculate which pixel row to start graphic from based on how far through the day we are
    var offset = backgroundheight / 100 * percentofday;

    // graphic starts at approx 6am, so adjust offset by 1/4
    var offset = offset - (backgroundheight / 1);

    function scrollbackground() {
    // decrease the offset by 1, or if its less than 1 increase it by the background height minus 1
    offset = (offset < 1) ? offset + (backgroundheight - 1) : offset - 1;
    // apply the background position
    $('body').css("background-position", "50% " + offset + "px");
    // call self to continue animation
    setTimeout(function() {
    }, 70
    // Start the animation

  • Copy-Paste the following CSS code just above the code </ head> to set the background image. You can change the background image to which you want to change the address of hosting images on the CSS code below to the address you have chosen an image hosting.

    body {
    background: black url( repeat center; background-attachment: fixed;

  • Description:
    - repeat / / Repetition of images x and y directions.
    • repeat-x / / Repeating images horizontally only.
    • repeat-y / / Repetition vertical images only.
    - / / URL Link gambar.
    - Center / / location in the middle of the screen image.
    • Left / / What image is on the left image.
    • Right / / What image is on the right image.

Background Image Options










The Best Technic

Cursor Meteor Script

Oke,,,,,topics we will discuss the effect of the cursor that is unique and certainly interesting. The advantages of a professional blogger lies in creativity in presenting the content and look of the blog is interesting, nahh ... This time I will only share one way to make your blog a stylish look. The trick is to install the script meteor circle effect, this script is difficult to know if ga dapetin believe try searching on google .... hehehe. Thanks to the support of my friend monozcore all .. My efforts finally managed to get this script. Please aspirated sob script n happy blogging ...

  • Login to yours blog ...

  • Click on "Design" and then click "Edit HTML" checkbox then click on "Expand Widget Templates", as shown below.

    cursor meteor

  • Find the code </ head> in your template (press CTRL + F to display the search box in the browser and speed up the search) then copy the code below and paste on top of the code </ head> is.

    <script language="JavaScript" src="" type="text/javascript">

  • Click "Save" and see the results ...

The Best Technic

How to Create a Screen Saver

Screensaver blog or so-called energy saving mode is the script code that was first introduced by the movement onlineleaf campaign Environtment save green (energy efficient). The function of this script code , which is to create a website or a blog run by consuming less energy by closing the display blog while idle (quiescent with no activity) with black and dark.

Saving energy on both monitors display tube CRT, LCD and Plasma, which is a dark black color displays, why did I say dark black as black can be also produced by mixing colors from the RGB (Red-Green-Blue) that still generate electricity even though it was black. Since the purpose of energy saving mode to save energy is a means used is black black color without any mixture of RGB so I call dark black. Dark black color on the screen is produced by eliminating color-producing electric current on the screen so that by turning off the electric current, we are saving energy and reducing CO2 emissions to the consumption of electricity usage on the monitor screen. The savings made ​​were not very significant, but if multiplied by computer users all over the world ... lumayankan savings ....

Energy saving mode script code uses JQuery library so make sure a buddy put JQuery does not conflict with the script code energy saving mode. To avoid conflict of trying to use the code <script> jQuery.noConflict (); </ script> and put it in the code </ html> in your template HTML code.

Screensaver is made ​​using only onlineleaf color and simple style, because it functions made ​​for energy saving movement. In posting this article I will show screensaver version 2 with the colors and styles that can be configured in order to let more energetic and interesting, besides screensaver version 2 can be adjusted with the color theme template blog used. The curious ... What kind of screensaver sich blog is version 2 ... take a look for example at the link below:
  1. arrow-list Screensaver 01
  2. arrow-list Screensaver 02
  3. arrow-list Screensaver 03
  • Login to yours blog ...blogger-logo-blue

  • Click on "Design" and then click "Edit HTML" checkbox then click on "Expand Widget Templates", as shown below.


  • Find the code </ head> on template blog (press CTRL + F to display the search box in the browser and speed up the search) then copy the code below and put it on top of the code </ head> is. Placement of the code below can also be deployed as a sidebar widget or widgets upbar.

    <! - Screen Saver ->
    ssBGImg var = "none";
    ssBGColor var = "monozcore";
    ssTextColor var = "white";
    var ssInactivity = 10000:
    var = ssImgUrl
    ssBlogName = "MonozCore";
    </ script>
    <script src='' type='text/javascript'>
    </ script>
    <! - End Screen Saver ->

    Blog Tools
    - Description:
    • var ssBGImg a variable to set the background image screensaver. To use the image on background please input the url image you want to use. My advice do not use images with a file size of more than 50 Kb because it would burden the blog loading time.
    • var ssBGColor is the variable for the background color. Background color can use standard HTML text colors (black, blue, yellow) or the hex code (# ffffff, # fAFb17, # 619bb99). For the background color as used MonozCore use color text "monozcore".
    • var ssTextColor a variable for color text. Color text can use standard HTML text color (black, blue, yellow) or the hex code (# ffffff, # fAFb17, # 619bb99).
    • var ssInactivity a variable for start time idle. The length of time to start the screensaver. Unit of time used in milliseconds.
    • var ssImgUrl a variable for pictures screensaver. To use the image on a screensaver please input the url image you want to use. My advice do not use images with a file size of more than 50 Kb because it would burden the blog loading time.
    • var ssBlogName a variable for the name of the blog copyright. The name that will appear on the copyright text.

  • Click "Save" and see the results ...

Have Fun....:)

The Best Technic

How to Easily Submit Sitemap.xml In Root Directory Blogspot

After Looking for about sitemap.xml starting to make the and upload sitemap to the root directory , all references to the read end zero. In fact, to date I have not found how to upload files to the root directory of bloggers. (Who knows wrote please .... eheheheh)

It's different if we buy their own hosting because there we can use cPanel what else to joomla, wordpress, drupal and its other.

But after trying a variety of ways it is not difficult to submit sitemap.xml on blogspot, just a touch small and sitemap.xml webmaster is accepted and no errors. 

Her main requirement is that we have a blog or website we link to Google Webmaster account, if you have not read anymore How Linking Blogs By Webmaster

After logging into Google Webmaster account, click another icon Add / Test Site , if not met, read another article above. In the box after typing the website address of the blog or sitemap.xml ago submitkan.

Obstacles will appear Especially for my friend tips that have their own domain, like me , we can not directly submit sitemap.xml do this, if we submit sitemap.xml to the top domain will display a message General HTTP error: 404 not foundif you do not believe try it ... eheheh ..

So what's his solution, so many similar questions arise for this.

Okay on the article How to Link Blog with Webmaster above we have discussed how to Add A Site or add a blog or website to the webmaster. To add it back to your blog which is a subdomain of blogspot, for example subdomain is So add another blog to earlier. 

After we successfully added a blog before, verification also first, only then Submit it again sitemap.xml like the example above. for his sitemap.xml is try just copy paste in browser tips, Eits ... can be downloaded on .. . eheheh ....

Make it easy submit sitemap.xml to Google Webmaster , May be useful ...

The Best Technic

How Linking Blogs by Google Webmaster

Maybe friends know that this tutorial is already so many other bloggers released by her, but because most copy and paste the article so that the article is still a lot of its shortcomings. So the purpose of this article was written to complement the lack of friends earlier, if still not added again yes .... Google Webmaster Tools is a free service the company's search engine giant, Google that allows us to monitor and optimize your blog or website.

Services This also makes it possible to ask the search engines do crawling on your blog or website and monitor the 'health' of a blog / web . Obviously it is very important benefits for the bloggers in optimizing the blog. could sign up for google webmaster main requirement is that we must first have a google account or google email, for those who do not have please register first at, for those who already have, let's link blog to Google webmaster us.

1. Please visit the address here Google webmaster and blogger simply login if we use gmail email, we've usually go directly to the home page Google webmaster, and our blog has existed in the list of blogs related to our email account. If no please register by clicking on the icon Add a site .

2. Click Manage site on the right side of the blog kita.pilih Add or remove users later on the icon owner click again To change or remove a site owner, please go to owner verification page .

3. Then select another menu Verify using a different method .

4. There are 4 choices of verification, you should select the method HTML tags only.

Copy the code and paste in the HTML template we should just after the code <head> . template After that save it again and then back again to the verification page and click the icon before Verify , but remember not to click on before we successfully insert code into our template earlier verification . If successful it will come out a message that we have successfully verified the blog and it is connected to the webmaster. 5. To use another feature click its icon webmaster tools or click continue , then do another step No. 2, but here we are not to verify. Notice from the menu on the left hand Configuration, Health / Health, Traffic, Optimisation / Optimization and Lab. Optimize the use of each of them. To Configuration menu are:
Settings useful for optimal targeted search our blog. If you want to optimize the visitor in Indonesia just change the target of his Geography to Indonesia. Sitelinks   should not be used in order to remain visible on search.

URL parameter is useful to define the parameters, remember if you are not sure you should not made ​​her special parameters. Change address , if we move the domain replace as an existing domain. Users and Associates just blog info only 6. For Menu Health or Health we will be given information about the health blog, what matters is the menu we optimize Fecth As Google or take as Google. Click on this option Fecth and leave the box blank in order to directly address additional to the main page of our blog. After successfully click again submit to the index . When we first began to use this feature you should select only the URL and all linked pages so that all pages of the blog will be indexed faster.

7. Now we proceed to the Traffic menu, here there's nothing we can optimize for this menu is only reporting 8. On the Menu Optimization Sitemap , add sitemap link our blog by clicking Add / Test Sitemap enter address below one by one.




feeds / posts / default? alt = rss

Or could address other sitemap. Clicks Refresh the page if it is on the Submit it. If you see a pending means we've had success, just wait a few days and other reports will be seen, which is important not to
General HTTP error: 404 not found because it means our sitemap wrong. To Contents Keywords can be utilized as a keyword in our template settings, how ? see keywords that exist and keep on metacontent keyword in our template. But this data will appear 2-7 days after we've linked our blog to Google Webmaster, so for a new one, check again later. Google webmaster for her perhaps the most important was we do, but if you want to experiment go ahead in tooling Her other features especial ... Hopefully useful ...

The Best Technic